Sponsor an Upcoming Event

  • Sponsor a non-HYPpy Hour Event ($250)

    Every month HYP has between 3 and 5 events in the Huntsville/Madison County community. Our events cover a variety of topics in the areas of social, arts and entertainment, recreational, community service and professional development. As a sponsor, you’ll be mentioned in all marketing material with the event (e.g. website, Facebook, emails).

  • Sponsor A HYPpy Hour ($300)

    HYPpy Hours are our take on "happy hours". They are held at a local restaurant or brewery once a month. They are typically our most popular event type. Benefits for sponsoring a HYPpy Hour are the same as described above. At the HYPpy Hour you are welcome to have materials to provide to attendees pending space availability and venue approval.

  • Sponsor All Events for A Month ($600)

    Interested in having a larger presence in the YP community? Consider sponsoring all HYP events for a month. Every month HYP has between 3 and 5 events that cover a variety of topics in the areas of social, arts and entertainment, recreational, community service and professional development. You’ll be mentioned in all marketing material with the events for that month, and have a featured blurb in our newsletter about your business.